Dynamic subtitles.

Create eye-catching captions to make your content accessible.

Most videos on social media are watched on mute. Use Descript to add subtitles.

Automatic transcription

Use our 95% accurate automatic transcription, or paste in an existing transcript.

Custom styling

Adjust font, color, positioning, background, and more.

Dynamic text

Automatically updates with the name of your Composition, current marker, or speaker. Or filter captions to only appear for specific speakers.

Makes me *want* to edit, can't believe I worked without Descript, far and away the best/coolest software I've ever used,  I love you so much,  can't imagine trying to edit any other way, would not be capable of making my podcast without Descript,  impossibly futuristic,  best productization of machine learning I've ever seen,  one of the most earth-shatteringly spectacular pieces of software I've downloaded in years,  far superior to any DAW, makes me feel like I'm living in the future,  black magic,  mindbending... I don't know that I'll ever be able to edit audio in any other way again,  completely changes your expectations of a whole software category, the most thoughtfully designed app I've seen in several years, I’ve just experienced a new level of sorcery

Descript is a collaborative audio/video editor that works like a doc. It includes transcription, a screen recorder, publishing, and some mind-bendingly useful AI tools.