Nobody transcribes like Descript

Automatic transcription with industry-leading accuracy. Near-instant turnaround. And it costs pennies per minute.

Professional transcriptionists standing by

Have a job that demands perfection? Our White Glove service delivers up to 99% accuracy in an average of 24 hours – just $2.00 / minute

Automatic speaker labels

Add speaker labels in seconds with our AI-powered Speaker Detective.
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Transcribe audio in 22 languages

We support: Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Malay, Turkish, Polish, Dutch, Hungarian, Czech, Swedish, Croatian, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, Slovak, Catalan, Lithuanian, Slovenian, Latvian, (and English).

Safe and secure

Your data is confidential — even from us. Descript uses world-class technologies and services to keep your information secure and private.
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Cloud sync

Instant access from anywhere to you and your collaborators — with full version history

Already have an accurate transcription?

We'll import it for free and sync to your media, word for word.
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Get started for free

Descript’s free trial gives you access to our top plan and most powerful features. After that, plans start at $12/month.